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This is a spam post which will be deleted. If you're submitting a spam post, please don't submit an email address or website when prompted to fill out this form. Instead, please only include the title of your blog post in the "content" section. This way we won't have to manually delete it later on. Thank you! :) Please note: Including an email address is not a requirement for blog posts but is helpful for us when trying to contact bloggers in regards to promotion or polls/surveys. We do not share your email addresses with any third parties and only use them in communicating with our bloggers for purposes of running itOn's business and services, including feedback surveys and polls where applicable. For more information about blogging at On , please see our blog submission guidelines . Thank you! We only accept posts from bloggers who have been active for 3 months. The submission form will automatically filter out any submissions that don't meet the criteria. What type of blogs do you accept? We accept all types of blogs, including personal, political, lifestyle and entertainment blogs. To help our editorial team better understand your blog, if you're submitting a post about a specific topic in particular please add a link to the post when filling out this form. Once we receive your post, we will take a brief look at it and send an email to let you know when we have approved your blog post for publication on On . Please note: We do not accept guest posts at the advice of our legal counsel. Thank you for understanding. Note: Please fill out all fields. All empty fields will be reset to "default" upon submission. Post Title * Your blog post title will appear on this page and in our RSS feeds. You can use any number of characters between 50 - 300 for your blog post title, including spaces and punctuation marks (e.g., a period). How does your blog post fit into On 's editorial mission? What value does it provide to the readers of On ? * This is a compulsory question that must be answered before you can submit your blog post for consideration by on .com editors. Please consider this carefully before submitting this form. What do you hope that other readers will get out of your blog post? * This is a compulsory question that must be answered before you can submit your blog post for consideration by on .com editors. Please consider this carefully before submitting this form. What type of posts do you usually write? * This is a compulsory question that must be answered before you can submit your blog post for consideration by on .com editors. Please consider this carefully before submitting this form. How frequently do you publish blog posts on your website/blog? * Please make sure to answer the question above first. How long have you been blogging for? * Please make sure to answer the question above first. Please share a sample of your work about a topic related to your blog post topic. * Please submit a blog post excerpt that you have previously published somewhere. If you have not published any blog posts before, please write up one blog post in the format that you intend to submit to us later when you complete this form. I affirm that the work submitted is my own, original work and does not infringe upon anyone else's intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks. * By submitting this form, I affirm that the material contained in the blog post excerpts submitted in this form do not infringe upon or violate in any way any rights of a third party including but not limited to copyright and trademark rights. cfa1e77820